Today I was reflecting on how time passes so quickly. I still remember the so many unit studies I planned and develop for my kids. I loved to plan our units choosing resources from different places. I was never a one curriculum kind of person. I liked, and still now, I like to gather the best from different places until I find what I have in mind as a whole.
I remember how I used to spend the day reading,explaining and ,making things with my kids.Sometimes working all together and sometimes one on one.It was very consuming but very rewarding. I miss those days.Now, my kids are old enough to complete their assignments on their own, to take their own decisions and to manage their own time.Although I should feel happy seeing my kids growing and becoming more independent. I feel melancholic just by thinking that one day they won't be needing me as much as they used to. For a Mom, this isn't easy. The bond I have with my kids is huge. Especially since we started homeschooling.
My friend Christine, posted this quote on Faceboook from Jeannie Fulbright.

When I read this book, my idea of teaching totally changed. Although my kids were small enough to depend on me, which I liked, I kept the role as teacher for a while until the beginning of this year, when I realized they were ready to move to the next stage.
This book encourage parents to start coaching their kids from the beginning when they are still small. I agree on this approach but as Jeannie says, I believe the real coaching stage comes later when they are not looking for more lectures or explanations but just looking for assurance, encouragment and support.
This book encourage parents to start coaching their kids from the beginning when they are still small. I agree on this approach but as Jeannie says, I believe the real coaching stage comes later when they are not looking for more lectures or explanations but just looking for assurance, encouragment and support.
This new season has been good for me and for them as well. Now, I have more time to pursue things I like doing. Things I put on hold for some years.
I joined the Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra and Chorus which I totally love,I also joined the ladies bible study at church and the Dragon Boat team for a short period of time. Now, I have more time to read other type of books that are not about homeschooling.
This time is special and important too because I can attend to the unique needs my kids have. I am not too focus on academics but on character and spiritual growth.I still spend time with my kids as much as I can, especially when they get stuck on academics or just by being there encouraging them when things don't go as expected. I am there to cheer them up and to purposely help them to meditate and to reflect on their own abilities,mistakes and life in general.
I am getting used to this stage in life and beginning to like it. I have more freedom to observe,to recognize the areas where my kids need me more and others where they can handle by themselves.I am not so much focus on the academics anymore so this helps me to attend other areas also important.My time as teacher is done. The time to be a coach and a facilitator has began.
For our new school year, I have decided to let my kids pursue their interest in a deeper way. They will have the freedom to explore and to discover their own talents and to incorporate everything into their area of interest. To develop a more intense love for learning is my goal.
I pray for new ideas on how to encourage,to inspire and to guide my kids during this season. To see them blossoming and feeling competent in their own way.
Isn't this the role of a coach?
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